

Sample papers for SMU Exam for MBA, BBA, BCA, MCA, Bsc IT, MSc IT are available now at our study centre. You can collect them on normal working days.
Important :
Submit the fees for next semester till 30th Jan. without late fine and 20 Feb with a late fine of Rs. 500/-. Draft should be made in favour of Sikkim Manipal University, DE payable at Manipal/ Udupi. You can also pay your fees through Credit/ Debit card at centre.

I Card, Roll number of New Students and books are already available for new students.(Only Few I card are still pending to be send by the University)

  1. University Exams are starting from Jul 2014. New Date sheet is now available at our centre & web site.
  2. Last date for submitting the assignment for all the students is 20-Mar. 2014.
  3. If any student do not submit the assignment in time, He/ she can be Marked absent in Internal Exam which will lead to the failure in Exam.
  4. Please submit your Email Id to get the email notices on your mail.
  5. Class Time table are only informed through SMS. Pls visit the centre or call to know your Time Table if you are not getting the sms.
  6. If you are Re-appearing in your Exam. Your Exam paper will be based as per New Revised Books. We have received books for the students who are re-appearing in there exam. Kindly contact the study centre to check your revised syllabus and availability of books as per new syllabus.
  7. You will be issued an Admit card on which your Exam centre and Datasheet will be mentioned. This will be send by the University near Exams. You can collect this from our learning Centre.

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